Join Ontario Trails Council

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Join the Ontario Trails Council as we work to secure funding for trail development, management and use. Be a partner of our world class support network in order to receive the best information on trails best practice, user. management and trail safety!

"Trails and trail development is a significant topic within North Grenville because of the positive impact trails have on a community - quality of life, tourism, broad spectrum of users etc. As a member of the OTC, we have the opportunity to learn how to promote and manage our trails program in a more professional manner. The OTC was the obvious choice. To date, we have benefitted from our membership in these ways:

  • making personal contacts with provincial, national and international leaders in the trails movement
  • access to the Trailhead Ontario conference, which was a watershed event for the three North Grenville staff who attended
  • being able to promote the trails movement in Eastern Ontario, it has provided a more credible position from which to advocate trails

 Once we have our trails master plan in place we will take full advantage of posting and promoting our trails on the OTC website. Trails are the future - if you really want to be part of the trails movement in Ontario, you need to be a member of the OTC."

 Forbes Symon, (Retired) Former Director of Planning and Development, County of North Grenville


Annual Membership Fees -

Large Organization - Provincial Level Association/Federation, City over 200,000 people - $926.08 (incl. HST) a year.

Tourism Development or Management Organization - Regional Tourism and Destination Marketing Organizations, Destination Marketing Partners - $565.00 (incl. HST) a year.

Medium Organization - Conservation Authorities, Townships, Cities or Towns smaller than 200,000 people, Clubs over 500 dues paying persons - $308.69 (incl. HST) a year.

Small Organization - Small Towns, Trail Committees, Clubs under 500 people, - $123.47 (incl. HST) a year.

Friend of Trails - tailored to individuals, trial memberships - $29.13 (incl. HST) a year.

Membership Form - complete, scan, mail in with cheque or credit card #

Ontario Trails Membership Form

Pay Via Paypal - e transfers, direct deposits

Join Via Paypal

Join Online - we'll follow up with you for payment

Upon completion you will be sent a membership login that will provide access to 100's of pages and links to other materials - on signage, risk management, services and links to other partners and members.

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Welcome to the Ontario Trails Council member login. This section is for members of the Ontario Trails Council. It includes information about OTC policies, member programs, public relations and meetings. It's also where members can trade information, join discussion groups and keep up to date on trends and events. If you don't have a login yet, you can create one here.