
Services - header image

Your Partnership with Ontario Trails is just the beginning!

The entire Ontario Trails community benefits from Ontario Trails assistance and help.

Whether defining projects for management, facilitating the Trans Canada Trail, or creating a landscape for trail support through the creation of the Ontario Trail Strategy and Ontario Trails Act, Ontario Trails makes trails better.

As a Member, you get options and savings on professional services.

Risk Management and Trail Insurance

Access to insurance, trail insurance, and other trail risk abatement services.




Issue Awareness and Resolution

Your voice in Toronto, in your town and city, and in Ottawa, representing you on issues that matter to you. Trail Legislation, Landowner Rights, Best Practices, Funding, and Grant Programs. Ontario Trails is recognized by the provincial government as the lead agency for recreational trails in Ontario, Ontario Trails Co-Chairs the Ontario Trails Coordinating Committee, the award-winning intra-governmental/community agency committee that addresses 32 trail objectives as supported in The Ontario Trails Act. (2016)





  • Prices:
    • N/C to members (excludes grant application years)
    • Non-Members - yearly dues as per organization

Latest Information for Having Your Best Trail

Partners can access the latest information to learn more about healthy living, trail planning, trail protection, and managing your trail.  Access to E-newsletter and social media. Reach 82,000+ individual people, 1.5 million people annually.


  • Price:
    • No Charge

Community Events & Trail Web Services

Get involved with one of our 200+ partnerships across Ontario and join the many volunteers making a difference in your community. We'll promote and list your events at no charge. Reach: 82,000+


  • Prices:
    • $20.00 per listing per annum, non-members
    • No charge for Ontario Trails Members


  • Prices:
    • Non-Members - 1-5 trails $50.00 per year
    • Non-Members - 5-20 trails $100.00 per year
    • Non-Members >20 trails $200.00 per year
    • Provincial Brands - Provincial Membership Rates Apply.
    • Ontario Trails - No charge listings for members.


TRAIL PATH MAPPING - Mapping your trails? Looking to spend $10,000's of dollars on a Content Management System, merging GIS data to your sites, negotiating inter-departmental data transfer, and then sharing back to your communities AND trying to integrate non-trail tourism assets with your trails?  Ontario Trails has done this and can implement a trail map for your trails in your communities at more than 80% less than you doing it yourself. Fee for service, scale to fit network or trail. Prospectus

Planning and Development

We'll get your community to support you! We'll get your community leaders to fund you. If we don't we'll assist in writing grants (for a fee) to get you the money you need to develop the trails you want. Ontario Trails and its grant success has resulted in a strong and valued representation to funders that results in financial support for our member's projects.

  • GRANT WRITING - we have a history of grant writing leading to grant success. Over $4.2 million in successful trail grants supported.
    • Prices:
      • Bill at $80.00 hour.
      • Ontario Trails Member  - 25% Member Discount
  • LETTERS OF SUPPORT - granting organizations value community support, increase your support by 200%
    • Only for Ontario Trails Members - No charge.

  • GRANT REVIEW - the final check before you submit. Increase your chances of success.
    • ​​Prices:
      • Bill at $60.00 hour.
      • Ontario Trails Member  - 25% Member Discount
  • EDUCATIONAL POSTERS/MESSAGING - Use Ontario Trails to create trail sensitive media that speaks to the public about the trails.
    • Prices:
      • Non-Members - $40.00 
      • Ontario Trails Members - No charge
  • SURVEYS - Our surveys have shaped provincial policy, regional trail development and reduced local trail use issues. We work with you to get the answers you want and need. Whether writing, information gathering, or reporting - find out important facts from your trail audience as you begin.
    • Prices:
      • Non-Members  - $120.00
      • Ontario Trails Members - No charge
    • Prices:
      • Fee for Service Single Club - $300.00
      • Fee for Service Provincial Strategy - $750.00
      • Ontario Trails Member Discount - 50%

Trail Management Services

As your Partner in Trails, we'll help you develop a Regional Trails Council, Incorporate, we provide governance guidance and education to staff and volunteers.

Ontario Trails can help you define projects, secure funds, solve issues and we bring nationally respected experts in to assist you!

    • Prices:
      • Non-Members  - $220.00
      • Ontario Trails Members - 25% discount
  • REGIONAL TRAIL COMMITTEES - Organize your community around your trail. Pricing varies based on size of community and number of trails. Communities served include Essex, Oxford, Norfolk, Prince Edward, Kenora, Mattawa, and more!
    • Prices:
      • Development Meetings $250-$1,000.00
      • Ontario Trails Members 25% discount
  • TRAIL MANAGEMENT PLAN - Development - Most recent plan - the Award Winning Ottawa Valley Recreational Trail.
    • ​​Prices:
      • To be negotiated
      • What we cover - An RFP response
      • Ontario Trails Member  - 15% Member Discount
  • TRAIL MASTERPLAN - Ontario Trails will review your current plan to keep it current with The Ontario Trails Act, Risk Management Practice, Accessibility and Use Regulation and Trends.
    • Price:
      • Bill at $80.00 hour.
      • Ontario Trails Member  - 25% Member Discount
  • TRAIL AUDIT - Ontario Trails has the people and the skill to audit your trail for safety and project planning. Our audited trails include G2G Rail Trail, Kinghorn Rail Trail, GBCT, Eagles Nest, Bird's Creek, Lake St. Peter, others. 
    • Price:
      • Negotiable
      • Ontario Trails Member - 15% Member Discount
  • TRAIL COUNTS - Track use, track use of trail by type, know who your trail user is, understand the patterns of use on your trail, free decal design.
    • Price:
      • See Trail Counts Page
      • Ontario Trails Member - 20% Member Discount
      • View our educational video on Trail Counts - information about our QR code, posted on trail user count system. Adaptable and flexible, learn more about who is using your trails and why. 
  • STRATEGIC PLAN - Know where you are headed for 5, 10 or 20 years. Plan development for groups, client groups include the Voyageur Trail, Georgian Bay Coast, Kinghorn Rail Trail and others.
    • Price: 
      • Bill at $80.00 hour.
      • Ontario Trails Member - 25% Member Discount

"Trailhead" Brand Conferences and Meetings

We'll help you plan, invite, secure and present, on your trails! Use the power of our network to bring experts to your community, where your leaders can learn about latest practices, trail successes and opportunities. - From 40-140 people, we bring media and marketing of your work home to you! Investment Required, OTC Earnings and Return on Revenue Offered.

    • Price:
      • Fee to scale of event - $500-$5,000.00
      • Ontario Trails Member - 20% Member Discount 
  • TRAILHEAD EVENT REGISTRATION - attend and learn about the best practices in managing and operating recreational trails in Ontario. Learn from the best knowledge experts to keep your trail running efficiently and effectively.
    • Price:
      • Non-Member $175.00-$500.00 
      • Ontario Trails Member - 20% Member Discount
  • TRAILHEAD ONTARIO WEBSITE- Free with event facilitation.
    • Risk Management - 1 or 2 day Options - $300.00 - 15% Registration Discount for Ontario Trails Members
    • Signature Trail Development - $4,000.00 Seminar and Post Seminar Development and Certification
    • Trail Design and Build - $400.00 Registration - 15% Discount for Ontario Trails Members, registering through an OTC provided course.
  • ALGONQUIN COLLEGE - On-Line Education - fee set by college as there are 3 courses offering a certificate.
    • Trail Stewardship - $160.00
    • Trail Planning - $350.00
    • ​Trail Management - $650.00

Public Communication and Trail Information

Everyday Ontario Trails supports your trail by answering questions from:

  • Landowners
  • Users
  • Tourists
  • Government
  • Planners
  • Permit Seekers
  • Licencing
  • Media

This service is provided through the Ontario Trails office and members of the Board. We often deal with issue resolution regarding property, allowed uses, maps, hours of operation, camping, signage, vehicles, and 30 other topics.

This is provided and is supported solely by membership.

  • Price: No-Charge.

Mobile 613.484.1140


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Welcome to the Ontario Trails Council member login. This section is for members of the Ontario Trails Council. It includes information about OTC policies, member programs, public relations and meetings. It's also where members can trade information, join discussion groups and keep up to date on trends and events. If you don't have a login yet, you can create one here.